Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Essential in life

What Is Essential
by Rajiv Chowdhury

All Human being are part of society and everyone in society has different desire,social role and duties.While performing his role and duties, individual faces many problem in one or other form, which hinder his performance as a social being. Over the year global socities have witness shift in life patten. Redical changes are being brought into life,lifestyle so called through progress and reform. The recent phenomenon of globalization and consumerism have created diversity of life style and illusion of essential requirment of human being meaning of existence. Along with these changes social problem and personal diffcult continue to increase and multiply.I would like to examine essential desire of human being and personility.
Human being has a number of essential need, requirment for satisfaction.If these need are not fulfilled it may result is frustation followed by crisis.Problem due to non fullfillment or inability to perform his social role problem of social function cause distress to the individual.Id is present at the time of birth. It doesn't know any morality or reality. It is concerned only with satifaction of its wishes. It is guided by the pleasure principle. The pursue of sensual happiness in sensual pleasure. It occur to life of existence,clinging,craving feeling and contact, the governing makes the entire process a lawful on is forced called Kamma.It refer to violitional action.Such violation come to express outward through manifest bodily and verbal action consiedered particular as a moral force capable of producing for the agent result that correspond to the ethical quality of the action.
All human behaviour is the result of interaction between the biological organism and its enviroment.Therefore all human being physiological need such as food,Shelter,cloth , air and water. The nature of human being like to be on the safer side and avoid physical damage and hazardous.Ego function as the manager of personality.It obey the principle of reality.It control select and decide what insticts of the Id are to be satisfied and what manner it can be done.That's why every human being need for belongingness and love such as love to belong a particular group and with the prestige in that group. So second process of essential requirment is craving for existence of self lead to esteem need.It is general psychology of human being that it like to be at the top position to have status in the society and acceptance in his own group.
Human behaviour can be understood only in term of one own emotional and intellectual comprehension.There are important differentes between individual and they must be recognized and allowed for. At certain period of human life,super ego work on morality principle. It represents the value of society.Human personality is the result of the interaction among the syste.The presence of a powerful ego ensures a well balanced personality. The dominance of super ego lead to a neurotic personality while supremacy Id over ego and super ego ends up in the development of delinque personality.Need for self growth and identification available to a person for self growth and to prove his capabilities for his remarkable identification. On the other hand application to Dhamma in way of life.The Dhamma in its brodest sense is the imment invariable order of the universe in which truth, lawful regularity and virtue are inextically merged.This cosmic Dhamma is reflected is the human mind as the aspiration for truth spirtual beauty and goodness; it is express in human conduct as wholesome bodily,verbal and mental action.The Dhamma has institution embodiment as well as expression in the live of individual who look it as their source of guidence in the proper conduct of life.
The final stage of human need for cognitive understanding of self and the world around him,it is said that all his/her needs are fulfilled.It is the top most need in the need hirechy,which governs the person at spirituality and very few person achieve it. Human suffering is undesirable and should be allevitaed.The last stage human essential is liberation.It has refers to who has elimanated all defilement and attain full liberation is this life.Different culture and religion use different word form.The final goal of Buddha teaching the unconditional state beyond the round of birth.
Human motivation is complex and frequently obsvure.Each individual by the very fact of his/her existence of worth. Every individul survive for craving for essential such requirment.we have strong desire will coming tomorro of future achieve in the way of life.There are common human needs for growth and development of individual.Each individual is like all other human being in some aspect and like no other individual.Every individual has within him/her , the potential form this is follow that people has capacity to change.Society has an obligation to help those who do not have the means for the realization of their potential.

Bikku Bodhi(2005) In the Buddha Word
IGNOU(2005) social work intervention
IGNOU(2005) Introduction of life education.