Thursday, July 19, 2007

wise intention and wise reflection

Wise reflection and wise intention

What we face everyday is unpredictable. Things happen due to multiple causes and conditions as we are living in a conditional and impermanent world. We sometimes invest so much of ourselves in a project that when it doesn’t turn out as it should we became irate. All should point to an expectation, a prediction for the future. We might have realized by now that the future is uncertain, unpredictable. Relying too much on an expectation for the future, should is asking for trouble.
Current my experience teaches me true about this point. I invest so much for exam. All of my time is reading and writing but examination intimation slip is not arriving. So how can I go to the examination room? I check my exam application submit April first week, either I check Internet web. I feel depress, anxiety and frustrate. I don’t want to study anymore even I don’t want to look this book. When I realize that there is nowhere else to go, I face the problem rather than running away. Most problems have solutions that we can’t see when we’re running in the other direction. I made decision. I should wait for December.
In this consequence, how I live in meaningfully in my life. Dr Rahul Nomis Suggestion is “ We are all here for a single purpose: to grow in wisdom and to learn to love better, we can do this through losing as well as through winning, by having and by not having, by succeeding or by failing. All we need to do is to show up openhearted for class. So fulfilling life’s purpose may depend more on how we play than on what we can deal it with.”
My conclusion is Buddha said “ Yonisa Manasikara” Which has been translated as wise reflection and wise intention. It mean purification of mind, overcoming sorrow and lamentation, overcoming pain and grief, treading the right path leading to attainment of eternal peace and attaining happiness by following that path. This wise intention and wise reflection leads to true meaning of life.

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